GW2: Heart of Thorns p2

Well, I'll start by saying as the weekend winds down that my experience with the GW2 expansion has gotten better. I've been able to play more story missions, which have been generally engaging. I have more access to movement abilities in the new zones, so I feel less restricted. And I've been able to engage in a little group content, which seems fine.

That said, a lot of my complaints stand.

The mastery points/XP issue seems part of a larger, systemic design choice. Guild hall improvements, for example, make use of at least two currencies plus various materials. Everything seems... complicated by multiple requirements.

And all the while, there's very little instruction on how to use any of it. You sort of have to learn by doing. Or research online, I guess. Even then, I'm still not sure what these Resonating Slivers are really for. I got one for participating in a guild mission, but otherwise... uhh... ???

It's all still very solo-unfriendly, as most of everything is built around world events, many of which involve waves of enemies and/or champions.

I've experienced a guild hall, which is interesting, though it's still new. I joined a group with a friend-of-a-friend and with a group of 12, we ran in, got to the first event, most people died in short order, they said "screw it" and decided to try again with only 12, hoping the scaling would be kinder to them - so I was out there. Went back later with a guild group of 13 and, while the timing was tight, we completed all 5 waves and the boss, claiming the hall. Yay!


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