Never Enough Time

Alas, it is that accursed time of year when sunlight is waning and there doesn't feel like enough hours in the day. Of course, it doesn't help that I usually get home with about the mental energy and focus to... just sort of collapse for a while. No matter how much I think I might want to get done at home, actually doing it rarely works out.

This week, work's been peppered with training meetings for a new system being installed along with the usual random issues and looming mega projects. I feel I've made progress on a few things this week, which is good, but I've also dealt with a lot of issues that I am not able to fix. We've got one person, who's supposed to be leaving the company soon, setting up a new preflighting and page processing system. While it isn't true across the entire department, I haven't even seen this stuff first-hand and haven't been given access to it, so my hands are pretty tied in how I make use of it. There's definitely some frustration there.

It looks like we won't be able to cram in a "season finale" game session for our Northport adventure, leaving us to try to Skype a session somewhere down the line maybe after the GM is settled in from his move. Looking around, I still strongly doubt there's enough motivation in the remainder of the group to get a new game going.

I have yet to get into this week's released GW2 living story content. Maybe... Sunday I'll have some time? Maybe. And GI Joe: Battleground is shutting down soon. That's the one F2P mobile app game I was invested (time-wise) in, so... one less thing to care about there. I suppose the Facebook campaign that didn't get their target number of likes was probably the corporate-level death knell. All through October, they didn't do any events, but ran sales and specials on legendary units. Then Nov. 3 they make the announcement they're shutting down. Heh. Sort of makes it all pointless.

Blargh. I need to get off my tail tonight and at least get a pie crust made so I can do the pie tomorrow night. Saturday, I'm visiting my folks in a quasi-pre-Thanksgiving, since they're leaving the following weekend and won't be around for the holidays. I may end up going to visit them in February or so. We'll see how that plays out...


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