
Blargh. Heating system at work on the fritz. Was toasty during the nights last week, and now during the morning. Seems to be overcompensating for cooling weather outside, but one really shouldn't be sitting at an office desk and sweating.

A couple weeks in and in FFXIV I've got a level 41 (of 50) dragoon. It's definitely becoming slower to level, which is fairly predictable, but I find the pacing to be a little annoying in availability of quests. At this point, I can do the most recent story quests and the side quests that are unlocked in the area, and still have half a level to go before reaching the next. It seems there's greater expectation of gaining experience from dungeons and the like. That seems to me a poor design choice, personally. Amusingly, there are a fair number of in-game comments about how you keep getting sidetracked as people require you to prove yourself in some fashion before rendering needed aid so you can continue your actual quest. I've been told the story really picks up at level cap, which seems odd to me as I'm more accustomed to main storylines ending at level cap.
It's still a pretty game, even if the combat effects get a little cluttered once in a while. It's got a day/night cycle and even has seemingly-random weather effects. Maybe character models don't look soaked in the rain, but it's still a nice step up to see the rain to begin with - or fog, or snow. There are a surprising number of well-done emotes, including a choice of idle poses and facial expressions and a /sit command that will actually make a character sit "naturally" if done on objects like chairs versus the ground.
I may be "spoiled" in a sense by the simplicity of GW2 commands, but I've got two bars full of commands now (and a few left to learn) and that feels cluttered. If I were getting into more serious play, I'd definitely need to remap some keys and buttons to make abilities more accessible.

GW2 is pretty quiet at the moment. Since the team has dropped the commitment to bi-weekly content updates, there hasn't been as much urgency to do things there. Weekly AW guild missions have been running pretty smoothly for the most part. Meanwhile, ARIN suffers from a guild leader who can't very effectively play the game at present. I got into another discussion last night about my frustration over the difficulty in acquiring a legendary precursor, but what can you do?

And on Furryfaire I sometimes feel like I'm talking to a brick wall when trying to explain my having trouble finding inspiration for things to do. Rather than any understanding or discussion or brainstorming, I generally just get pushed forward. This occasionally results in scenes, but it's rarely satisfying. Though is a lack thereof any better? Eh...

What else? Shadows of Mordor sounds like it might be worth playing. Destiny not so much. I can't really think of any games I've been given reason to look forward to in the near future and I'm still on the fence about Warlords of Draenor next month.
And offline RP seems to be dying down, with a stated "conclusion" of some sort coming in our Northport game within the next session or two. Our primary GM in the group is working toward moving away. I'm not sure anyone is going to be able and willing to pick up the slack after that.


  1. I'll try to brainstorm with you more often then. :(

  2. You always take things so personally, even if you're not the "culprit." :p


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