(GW2) Fate Worse Than Death

At least when you die, you can return to live at a waypoint.

A couple nights ago, I hit my first real bug in GW2 in a while. I was making my way up the Nightmare Tower doing dailies - a place aptly named when you're not operating in a group. I believe it's toward the end of level two where the Toxic Wurm Queen spawns - an event that has to be cleared to open the way to the next level. I hit that part with several people around, so it seemed like fair odds we'd succeed.

Then it swallowed me.

Okay, no biggie, that's a mechanic of the fight - someone gets swallowed, takes some damage, and gets spit out after several seconds. Only this time, it didn't spit me out. The initial DOT debuff ran out and... nothing else happened. My character was still not visible on the screen, skills were still locked out, I was still "in combat" so couldn't waypoint out. I wasn't taking damage, in fact I was healing back to full due to gear benefits.

Then everyone else died. The counter reset. And... I was still stuck. After a couple minutes of this, I filed a bug report, but that's no immediate help. Maybe ten minutes later, another group came through to the encounter, giving me some ray of hope. During the fight, things did start to get progressively "better." At one point, I was "knocked" clear - in that my camera centered a little away away from the wurm and I started taking damage from AOE effects there. Then, at one point, I could suddenly see my character again! ... I still couldn't immediately move or use abilities, that didn't happen for probably another 30 seconds or so. Ah, sweet, sweet freedom!

Troubling bug. Interesting story of a thief surviving in the belly of a wurm. Heh.


  1. "You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc. In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years."


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