
And back to work. Hit the ground running, but there don't seem to be too many outstanding issues.

I always feel a little odd with self-diagnoses. Now, I associate fever, chills, and muscle aches with the flu more than a cold. Yet that's supposed to take a week or two to clear up, isn't it? I came down with those symptoms Saturday morning. Fever had passed by Monday morning. Tuesday, I'm feeling minorly stuffy-headed with a little bit of a cough, but otherwise fine. I can't imagine that going to the doctor would have gotten me back on my feet any faster.

Despite complications, the vacation was good, welcome, and probably needed. One of the most interesting aspects of a good vacation in my book is a change in perspective. And wow, coming back to my normal life feels like down-shifting to a much slower pace. It's a little stunning, really.

Saturday night, we managed to gather up 7 guild members and tried the LFR on WoW. It wasn't a great experience. I was actually less bothered by the complaints thrown around when we wiped on the third boss than the overall feel and pace. Everyone is expected to have something of a clue and to move! I do think it's a testament to how easy it is by comparison that we went so long without anyone dying, but the lack of communication bites the group in the ass once there's a need to coordinate and with people rushing back into the fray before others are ready, you're almost guaranteed failure. It sort of spirals at that point. Ultimately I won't say it was "terrible" or anything, but it wasn't fun either. I felt I was racing to keep up rather than having any sense of accomplishment, and that just isn't an enjoyable way to spend time. I may try it again some other time, but I'm not any more sold on it than I was before.


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