In WoW, I got to see the Firelands for the first time in a couple months. Yay. With a couple people pulled from cross-server to join in, we downed five bosses in the evening. It wasn't exactly smooth or fast, but it's nice to do something and it got our new-to-current-raid-healing healers some practice. At least a couple upgrades were had for people. And some of us inch closer to exalted reputation there.

In GW, we're done. Again. Finished out the last handful of missions for Winds of Change. At least one one messy and harder than it should have been due to lack of understanding in advance on our part on how to properly defend an area, but we didn't wipe. That one mission was tough, but more forgiving than some of the earlier ones. Next week? Uh... no idea. Talk about doing an Underworld conquest run. Me, I just want GW2 to be out already. Don't want more hype, just the game.

I did go ahead and let my SWTOR subscription lapse for now. I've actually spent more "background time" playing Minecraft this week than anything else. Heh.


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