
No WoW worth noting over the weekend. I knew our fearless leader would be off at a birthday party, but sort of expected other regulars to be around. Ah well.

In GW we finished up the last couple Winds of Change encounters we had left. So now we're caught up once again until they release more. And I'm wondering about that. Given the (slow) rate of release of these "Guild Wars Beyond" missions, I have trouble picturing more than one or maybe two further sets of quests before GW2 is out. I guess that isn't a big deal. Not sure what we'll do next Sunday.

Thoughts on and off on Furryfaire. Still question of system (or lack thereof). Personally, I think PPS had some issues in advancement and the specificity areas. Were I revamping it, I'd probably start by making a set list of traits - both to give players a concrete list to choose from and to give wiz staff a reference for how specific/powerful the "Other" traits should be that would require approval. I can't claim to have a perfect solution to advancement, though, other than to say the system it came in with only rewarded early buy-in (ie. sheet posting), and has nothing to do with quantity or quality of actual play, and I don't like that.
'course, I have yet to see good alternatives either. Someone suggested (jokingly?) using Ironclaw. That might work but I don't think it properly models what has gone before and (more importantly) it has a lot of skills/traits/items/spells/etc. that would need to be put in on the MUCK when we're lacking anyone with the ability and willingness to code a working sheet/chargen system it seems.


  1. I am sorry about WoW. I, myself, was late in getting on (about 15 minutes late...) and... There was only 2 other people on... Waited about 30 minutes, no sign of anyone, so I scooted to do other stuff... Sorry.

  2. See, similar to my experience save I was on earlier and didn't stay as late. Just figured it wasn't happening this week. Not that... y'know... I have any idea when it might be happening. Our raid team was kind of gutted by the holidays and SWTOR. Lingering issue. Most I'd hoped for, really, was a group to run a few 5-mans with. *shrugs*

  3. A list of traits might work, helping everyone get on the same page, but the idea was to make it more flexible. If someone were to move everything into a 'trait' like list for the wiki, that might help, but that's going to be a lot of work, since there's a lot there. Another idea might be to use Furry Outlaws/Pirates, with some tweaks, but the thing is, we don't have anyone to program everything in, regardless of system.


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