(WoW) Raid Report

With the Strength of Wrynn buff up to 25%, that gives us about four weeks until it caps out. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong, but I doubt we'll see the Lich King before that.

Noth for the weekly quest and into ICC. We made fairly good time up the ramparts, took out the frost giant without issue, and laid into Saurfang. Our mage lost connection for most of the fight, but we did fine. Still no bracer drops, the bum. He's becoming the new Laj for me (who I downed repeatedly in Burning Crusader trying to get tier shoulders and only did near Wrath's release).

Festergut went down in one, though our rogue got disconnected partway through (seeing a theme here?). We subbed in a druid and went on. Rotface wiped us once - but only because the other tank had interface issues, lost control, and ended up running to the edge of the room. Putricide wiped us once. I'm not sure what to blame for that, exactly. I know I fell being on slime consumption, which didn't help and may have cut some people off. We got really close that first time, though. The second was easy by comparison.

Svalna and Valithria were straightforward enough. Then we actually put in four attempts on Sindragosa. Lots of effects to keep track of, and we're adjusting strategy. I only really noticed the frost breath was stacking a debuff on me on that third attempt (when it got high enough to reduce movement speed by 75%). Unlike most of the fights, none of us really knows this one fully yet, though I still think it's going to be easier for the guild to pull everything together in this fight than the Blood Princes.


  1. I'm curious to analyze what gives us the difficulty on Princes. Sindra was able to be boiled down to like, three things: The move that pulls in and people not running out quite fast enough, frost tomb and frozen bomb awareness, and lastly phase three practice, of which we only got one attempt on. Standing near the tank when entombed, but in range of her breath is fatal. Need to find the "Sweet spot".

  2. Discussed the matter some, but... yeah. I wish I explain more fully. I perceive an increase in difficulty for our guild the more complex the encounter. Straight-up DPS/healing numbers aren't usually where we stumble. If it were, we'd probably see more enrage timers. Heck, with things as they currently stand, we can do Saurfang and Festergut with one person disconnected. Rather, we die because someone failed to avoid an ability or got tripped up on a mechanic, and that caused everything to go south. And in the Blood Prince Council encounter, there seems to be more opportunities to bite it that way than normal. Three bosses, three sets of abilities, and we can't even focus on one until it's down. More people need to be on the top of their game to get through the encounter than usual. *shrugs*


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