(WoW) Good News, Everybody!

Plenty of people this weekend, with a couple to spare. Flame Leviathan went down easy for the weekly. Some people shuffled in alts for the early bosses in ICC. Just watching Marrowgar go down made clear were in much better shape than last weekend. Deathwhisper, Gunship battle, Saurfang, even Festergut - all clockwork.

Rotface is still a little bit tricky, but I think we only lost one person at the end. We drew a random weekly quest I hadn't seen before, and perhaps the simplest one - get a debuff from fighting Festergut, and one from Rotface, then turn them in to complete the quest.

Then we lined up and faced down Professor Putricide, the wing-boss. In the first attempt, I tanked the boss and Elly took the abomination to eat slimes and slow oozes. In spite of warnings, though, someone removed the 'disease' that is the abomination, and we were overrun by slime in short order.

We swapped tanking roles and I went to the table to take on the abomination form. It was not what I expected. You click the table and there's no cast bar or anything, you just turn into an abom after several seconds (which you don't have to remain stationary for). Over the course of the next two attempts, I got the hang of using the abomination "vehicle." You have to get on eating slime immediately, or you'll fall behind. You have to eat enough to have the energy to slow the ooze adds. And there are little tricky bits of positioning and camera angle. The last two or three attempts, I think I can safely say I had that down enough that it wasn't really an issue.

Of couse, that still leaves everything else. Some people might die to oozes, having oozes up at phase transitions is a pain, and things like that. We got to phase 3 a couple times, but that is... merciless. With no more abomination, slime puddles start getting huge very fast. On top of that, a debuff that stacks on the tanks hurts everyone based on how high it stacks - the workings of that weren't quite clear to me. We have to taunt trade to get the total number of stacks on either of us down for the sake of everyone, rather than the usual taunting to give a chance for a stacking debuff to fall off. Understanding that might help a little, but there's still very, very limited time to finish the boss off before things get unmanageable. We'll see how we pull it together next week, perhaps.

Wrapping that unsuccessfully for now, we ducked into the dragon wing and healed Valithria up again, losing one or two people in the battle. Not bad. We seem to be able to do it reliably. After that, just a little trash killing for rep.

I'm pleased enough, though our guild leader is chomping at the bit to save our progress and "seriously" work at downing Putricide and others.


  1. You don't want to save our progress, I take it? Personally, I don't either. I think there are still items people want from those early bosses (bracers yah?) and it helps get people "warmed up". I really am not the gogogo type but that said we spent a fair amount of time standing around in between the weekly and starting ICC, and then we are willing to stop progress to let whomever has enough badges/rep run back and get their new piece o' gear. :)

  2. I'd go either way, honestly. Most of our regulars would see little benefit from drops (some people are starting to bring alts for the first 4 bosses), but there are definitely some upgrades to be had there (including those blasted bracers for me). And some people who've become more regular than they were aren't to that point yet. ;) It would be nice if we had more time to learn and focus on advancing, though. I started using the abomination on our second attempt with Putricide. It took me probably two attempts just to get that down, myself. And that left... what? Two or three tries to get everything else together? That's not enough for some of these fights, I fear. And when we didn't even get to Festergut until about two and a half hours into our raid night... yeah, we'd have a whole heckuva lot more time if we saved past that. But being able to blow through some bosses is good for morale too, drops aside. So I could go back and forth about benefits of either way. Meh. I really wish we could take out a lot of out downtime while in progress, though. Usually about half an hour to get everyone together to begin with (less this time), often close to that for people to go from the raid weekly to ICC, breaks to gem/enchant/upgrade/smoke... Some delays are unavoidable, naturally. Ideally, though, I'd rather set aside a few "official" ten-minute breaks for people to do whatever they need to do. Even if it's every two or three bosses, I think that'd be less time "wasted" than we currently do, giving us more progression time.


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