(WoW) Boss by Boss

Toravon, Anub'Rekhan for the weekly and back to ICC. Marrowgar through Festergut are getting routine and reliable. Rotface was down in one, but I thnk we lost a few people. We pulled things together and downed Professor Putricide on, I believe, our third attempt. It might even have been faster than that, but we had a few people that weren't there last week to learn from those attempts. Either way, 'tis good stuff. Alas, no drops for me. Then we had what ended up being a forty-minute pause before clearing up through Valithria. Then another twenty-minute pause before a few Blood Princes attempts. Still learning the tricks there.

I'll be honest, losing fully an hour (not counting the usual pause after Saurfang) in upper Icecrown because people felt the need to run all over re-enchanting dropped gear was very frustrating to me. Some breaks are unavoidable, but I reall don't feel mid-raid is the time to be upgrading gear.
If it's an upgrade as-is, put it on. If it's not, it's minor enough to wait until we're done. That's my view, anyway. If the enchanter(s)/jewelcrafter(s) in the group can outfit you there in a couple minutes, great. Taking longer than that, to me, is a waste of precious time.
Some breaks are necessary and unavoidable. These really aren't. ... And that's my rant on that.

We're reaching the point where we're going to have to save progress in order to get any deeper into the raid. That'll mean less frost emblems and, for little old me, missing out on some still-desired drops. And yet we really don't have enough time to do things from start to finish. Exactly how and when we do this, though, is all up in the air.
If we were serious about progress we'd probably save our instance now and focus on clawing our way through the three remaining pre-Lich King bosses as best we could. It would give us the most time to work on new stuff. On the down side, this would probably be rough for moral. Even if we succeed, we can expect to wipe at least 3-4 times on each as we learn the fights, possibly more, and people don't like that (as seen with Yogg-Saron).
If we're concerned about the frost emblems (and most of the frequent raiders really should be reaching the point of having their main spec kitted out by now if they've been doing randoms), we could start from the beginning, but instead of doing Putricide's wing, head straight to one of the others and focus there for the rest of the night, if needed.
I would sort of like to see us down Putricide at least twice to prove it wasn't a fluke, and I'd like to see us getting through Rotface more cleanly. But I'm somewhat biased, too, in that the Professor drops two of the three things I want pre-LK.
But I'm willing to take whatever approach. As much as I might want certain drops, none of them are such an improvement that I feel they would make or break my viability through the end of the instance.

Addendum: I forgot to comment on having logged part of the night to World of Logs. It requires manually turning on the combatlog in WoW, which I'm not used to doing. When I reset after Saurfang, I forgot to turn it back on until after Putricide's wing, so I missed what I consider the "good stuff" of the night.
So what good is it? Umm... I'm not sure. There's a lot of information there that I'm not used to having and probably don't even need. If we wanted to look at specific damage done by certain affects at certain times, the information might well be there. For me at the moment, though, it's a bit superfluous. I'll try to remember to run this next time, too, though I probably won't do so long-term unless I come up with something to do with the data.


  1. >>If it's an upgrade as-is, put it on. If it's not, it's minor enough to wait until we're done. That's my view, anyway. If the enchanter(s)/jewelcrafter(s) in the group can outfit you there in a couple minutes, great. Taking longer than that, to me, is a waste of precious time.<< I agree 100%.


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