And From Shadows to Darkness

With the Shadowrun game having ground to a halt, we've started up a World of Darkness game instead. Seems an obsession with filling that Tuesday-night time slot. It took some doing to cobble together a character in time that fit together in my head, but I managed.

So far, I seem to be the only one with a solid idea what to do next, as the group is presented with mysterious disappearances to look into and little investigative skill. At least my character's dots in the Time arcana mean a possibility of glimpsing the abductions. Of course, if there's nothing to see, that's not going to lead anywhere. The only other idea that came up was talking to someone close to one of the missing people, but it seems like normal police/etc. would have done that already. We shall see.

In online games:

WoW: Holy paladin healing is odd. Having set up Grid and Clique, I now get a sense of the whack-a-mole game of healing where I'm looking at health levels rather than what's going on. Strange, but I never got that tunnel-visioned while healing as a priest. Had some rough patches (Ionar and Loken mainly), but made it through heroic UK and HoL. 4000+ gold to re-outfit, and still have a lot that could stand to be upgraded, but that relies on drops, which relies on getting in more group runs, which relies on more people. >.>

GW: Finished the Factions campaign. Prophecies was okay. Nightfall (though I've only done about 95% of it) was pretty good. Factions, though... not so much. The pace of the game is awkward. The plotline is poorly presented (the flashbacks mixed with normal cut scenes are confusing) and really doesn't make a lot of sense. I guess I'm glad they seem to have learned from that?


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