Dreams of the Last 24-hour

In the last day, I've dreamed...

1) That I somehow created a powerful AI that was able to traverse and understand the internet as well as "download" into people. She, for this entity ended up "possessing" a young girl and coming to talk with me, was a being of childlike curosity and deadly potential who didn't even have much of a memory until being in a person. The bulk of what I recall was trying to give a crash course on ethics, morality, and laws - specifically why it's a bad thing to kill or "take over" people - while being very gentle and understanding.

2) That I was at some large SCA event. A lot of stuff was going on, and I was more involved than I have been in years, though I can't remember most of it now. Friends suiting up in armor, someone I didn't know running around with a stuffed/plush dragon tail, a new principality being formed, and no extreme weather are some little details that I actually recall.



  1. I like this AI thing. Expand upon it. ;)

  2. Well, I don't know that I'll be developing this into a story or anything, but I can share a little more. It was somewhat scary, actually. I was treading very carefully because I knew full well that "she" was capable of killing people easily, and that it's be really easy to do without any sort of moral framework in place. So I was trying to explain morals and ethics as a sort of societal agreement people make with each other in order to survive together, and laws as our codified way of stating most of that. And trying to explain the difference between written law and commonly-understood behavior. It really was a crash course on "right and wrong," and I was afraid of making a mistake. Heh. I also suggested accessing Wikipedia as a way to get a lot of information - though I cautioned not everything there would be factual because people sometimes misunderstand or are deliberately mislead. And about that time, I had to explain lying and offer my assurances that I would try very hard to be honest and worthy of trust. Through it all, "she" was actually attentive and eager to learn. And as much as I was scared, I would say I was also somewhat proud. All in all, the AI reminded me of Sanguine actually. While not displaying the same degree of innocence, I feel there are certain similarities of existence between the two.


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