(WoW) Also Not Perfect

Noblegarden went well. I enjoyed it. It sent me around to places I hadn't been in a while. It took some time to get enough eggs and other items to make the achievements, but it didn't grate on me. All-in-all, it felt like the most accessible holiday to me. It gave me the feeling I just might be able to start completing achievements and end up with a violet proto-drake, even if that may be a year away. I think Blizzard did a fine job with it.

Then Children's Week starts up. First, daily quests aren't registering for one achievement until the next day (by server quest reset time), which makes me wonder why they didn't just make the whistles available then instead of a few hours earlier. Then one achievement (Home Alone) is unsetting itself when you log out. Both of those have been remedied, at least. Then there's School of Hard Knocks.

I generally don't favor the PVP aspect of these games. Wintergrasp has grown on me some, probably because of the vehicles and turrets, but straight-up slug matches between characters is something I usually find frustrating. But, I decided to give it a try and queued up. Ending up in an Alterac Valley battle already underway, I did what I could. I tracked down a tower that wasn't mobbed by Horde and helped those there secure it. Did I get credit for assaulting it? Nope.

Then we kill some Horde, and I die a few times, and it appears all the towers are taken, destroyed, or too protected to do anything about. At the end, I walk out of the battleground with a few PVP achievements I wasn't after, no progress on the achievement I was, and a level of annoyance built up from perhaps the least fun half hour (or so, I didn't actually keep track) I've had in the game in a long, long time. Repeated instance wipes, lack of guild members for a party, failure to get the drop I'm after - none of that has compared.

So... yeah. I'm done with that. I feel Blizzard blew it with this particular holiday, and I won't be bothering with it, which makes completing other ones rather pointless (save more achievement points, I suppose). This is not the game I want to play, and as tempting as the mount sounds, it isn't worth the frustration. I'll back to other parts of the game, thanks, and probably not set foot in a non-Wintergrasp battleground again.


  1. That PvP Set of achievements is really off-putting to me, too. Sorry, hon.

  2. Yeah... And, as I've had some difficulty putting to words, it isn't actually the difficulty that annoys me. I know I can do the achievement if I really try and put the time into it. At some point, I'd luck out in a combination of factors and cap the towers/etc. Rather, what made me say "screw the achievement" is the simple fact that it wasn't fun to try. If there's an end goal I'm after in the game, I'm willing to do stuff that feels like work. I'm willing to make repeated attempts, sometimes even at longshot odds. I am not, however, willing to subject myself to actual misery for it. And that's exactly what I experienced in AV. An extra 30% flight speed isn't worth the anguish. Heh. Gee, if we ever get a guild raiding group together with regularity, maybe we can ten-man The Eye or something in an attempt to farm the Ashes of Al'ar.


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