Oh My Gawd...

Y'know, the MUCK's far from perfect. We've a lot of people that lack inspiration and drive, and I'm usually one of them. But for all that, there's no one I hate there. There is, however, one person I have a great deal of difficulty tolerating. Even then, I don't hate... I just can't stand.

From my perspective:
- This person did a lot of work for the MUCK in the form of coding. This is beyond me in the sense that I don't know it. I probably could learn it, but I really don't have the desire. I am appreciative of this effort. It did take time. It did take work.
- They are prone to idleness. Seriously, the character will be logged on and (in spite of idle-boots that kick other people off after minutes or hours) show an idle time of days frequently.
- They are TOTALLY self-absorbed. They will come back from weeks of absence and expect things to happen right then for them. They will come onto the public channel and launch right into a topic expecting everyone else to listen. I even kept track for a while of these sporatic bursts of chatter, and it was a few weeks before they chimed in with anything that wasn't 1) specifically about their situation IC/RL or 2) clearly their opinion. It took that long before they so much as asked someone else what was going on or what they thought.
- They have a character who is a deity IC, and I feel that was the most gloriously fucked-up idea ever - mostly because they wanted it. This was a great indulgence of an immature person, and has led in turn to one of the more immature-acting IC gods. It certainly doesn't help my position of arguing that deities should be somewhat aloof and "beyond" mortal understanding and presence when one of them acts like a spoiled child - most recently denying dreams to a whole religion because their non-divine alt wasn't along for a quest (when this was primarily their fault OOC).

Almost everytime this person speaks up, it pisses me off because they just bitch and complain that people aren't catering specifically to them. I'm sick of it. This is someone who has about as much power as you can have (in terms of characters and OOC position) and they seem the least deserving of it to me.

And as much as this person strikes me as childish and self-centered, I'm annoyed that they get away with it. This makes me pissy at the people who accept and, at times, encourage the behavior. For a brief moment, I actually hoped they would do something so collosally stupid that they might finally be called on it and booted, even if it resulted in the death of two of my characters. I am frequently tempted to do stupid things just to get back at them, and have to restrain myself from doing so.


Rargh. Hopefully I'm done venting for now.


  1. I would suggest it's time to take a loooong break. But that's just me, the rather passive-aggressive kitten speaking.


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