
I seem to have trouble given straight positive/negative reviews these days. I picked up the first DVD of the "Ultimate Collection" to watch. Overall: Not bad, not great.

I think I like the story as presented so far.
The art gets more of a mixed reaction from me. Things (guns, scenery, etc.) look good and slick. People, however, are far too stylized for my liking. The inhuman grins (mostly, but not always on inhuman characters) are disturbing, which I take to be the point, but a little too much.
The dialogue/dubbing is one of the most painful I've listened to since the mid-nineties, with accents that feel overdone. There were also multiple scenes where there's voiceover exposition that's drowned out by the sound of action on-screen - I don't know if that's a flaw of the DVD or inherent in all copies.
So I wouldn't buy it or stay up late to watch it. As long as they show up in those cute little Netflix envelopes, however, I might borrow and watch them.


  1. Ah. My initial recommendation was for something else entirely. >.> My apologies.

  2. Yeaaaah, not what I was expecting either. Thought it might have been something I caught an episode or two of on Adult Swim. In retrospect, I think it was Trinity Blood that I had seen.

  3. Ahh... If you are going to watch Hellsing, it's best in the Original Japanese with Subtitles. You are right about the Dubbed version - The accents are seriously overdone and the voices quite often don't line up with the mouth movements on-screen


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