War Stories (the return)

So I'm back at home and work. Most of the laundry is done. The camping gear is packed away in the storage room. The blisters are fading, and I feel generally less sore.

Of course, now I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed by getting back to my "normal" juggling routine, but what can ya do? May feels a bit soon for another road trip, but we're committed to that one too. I think my tax return will cover the unexpected expenses of this trip, though I can probably forget those thoughts of a new console or HDTV.

I suppose I can say I'm glad I went. It was good to see the faces I saw, and it helped me understand some things on a number of levels. Of course, if I had it to do over again knowing what I know now, I'd be hard pressed not to do something different in order to prevent our little stay in Show Low. Maybe it's good that we don't have time travel and I don't have to deal with that. ;)


  1. my plan is to do my next 'Hawke-inclusive War differently. The one thing I really resent is that I had no time with y'all. And I was so frustrated on Sunday that I wasn't finding y'all that I was nearly in tears. (which is partly sleep-deprivation, aching body, and muck-induced soreness that I was nearly crying... but I was very upset) I also think I'll avoid being Champion again in the future. It's not really my favorite thing. *sigh* Anyway - I hope you go again someday. And I'm going to have to come home sometime in the (relatively) near future - I miss my family too much. And, much as I love my folks, I don't entirely mean the blood family. I find that I rather agree with Pei/Petra about family... and I'm upset with myself for not altering my priorities at War. *shrug* I'm rambling, and should get back to balancing finances. More later! *hugs*

  2. *hugs* So I heard. Sorry it was that rough for you. I know I would have liked more time, but such didn't work out.


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