Pre-Trip Report

Weather's reasonably good, so it looks like we're cleared for Estrella War. I look forward to being there and getting something of a vacation, even if it is away from computers.

As usual, I'm not so much looking forward to *getting* there. It's somewhere in the neighborhood of a 9-hour drive on a new route, as the current site is on the other side of Phoenix from what we're accustomed to, and we're planning to start that run at about 10pm tonight. There's planning and packing and worrying and fretting. We were going to be caravanning down with several others, but due to mechanical problems and illness, that's been pared down to a total of three people in two vehicles. I'm still tweaked and torqued from shoveling (and now chiseling) snow and ice - I've stretched and strained things that make cranking a steering wheel uncomfortable and I even picked up a nice new bruise on the inside of one arm, presumably from hauling off large chunks of ice that fell off the roof yesterday. All the thinking of this has fouled my sleeping of late, and I haven't had a good night's sleep since last week sometime.

So... preparing for my vacation has made me need a vacation. Go figure. Still, it ought to be good to actually be there and meet up with folks I haven't seen in varying lengths of time stretching into several years.


  1. Look at it this way--there be no snow in Florence. :) See you Saturday, my friend. :)

  2. You know... in Denver, we have some mighty fine massage places (the reputable kind...), if you need another vacation that is... Safe travels, godspeed, see you sometime thursday :)

  3. Come home safe and enjoy yourselves.


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