
It's been a very busy day and it started off poorly to say the least. Yet, I experienced a moment of peace... serenity... contentment...

It feels pretty strange to use those words to describe lying on my back out in the parking lot this morning. After the initial shock, however, I simply acknowledged having no desire to get up. And there it was. I felt no anger at having slipped on the ice. I felt no frustration with the setback. I felt no fear of being run over.

Instead, I felt as though that was exactly where I was meant to be at that moment, and I was perfectly okay with that. It probably lasted less than a minute, but it was truly a moment of note.


  1. Do you ever wonder if somebody is trying to tell you something? *hugs*

  2. Sometimes. But what?

  3. I have no idea. That's the real kick in the pants. *wrygrin* Hell, I have no idea what it is when somebody's trying to tell *me* something. Which just means I have to listen. And the bitch of it is, the harder you try to listen, the harder it is to hear. Listen to the wind and stars, I guess. Maybe. Kendra might know.


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