
It's almost that time, and I feel a little uncomfortable about it. It isn't the presents. Usually, I'm scrambling a bit, but I feel the presents are under control this time around. I have... two to buy yet, I guess. Both are things I can get locally, will deliver locally, and are already decided on. No real stress there.

No, it's a matter of holiday tradition, or lack thereof. I am accustomed to getting up on Christmas morning at home with my parents and doing the whole opening-of-presents thing. Christmas Eve isn't usually anything too special, though our Christmas Day meal may involve some treats that are nicer than normal. This time, my 'home' is not my parents' home.

My roommate usually spends Christmas Eve with family and presents. I suppose I could do that, but it doesn't exactly feel right, and I'd rather not drive to Cortez after work on the night before Christmas.

I feel like I should wake up at home on the morning of Christmas and open what presents I have. Maybe that's what I'll do, but it kinda writes family out of the picture.

I don't know... I guess we'll see in a week and a half.


  1. You and could always head over to your parents' place, if they're close enough and amenable to it.


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