Inevitable (if slow) progress

Third time's a charm? QWest finally managed to get the second phone line installed at the proper address. Okay, so they didn't finish by noon like they said they would, and the number isn't the one they said it 'probably' would be, but it's done. Yay. So now we can both be online at the same time. Heh. Strangely, being able to be online all night if I want is taking some getting used to, as if I'm not sure what to do with myself there anymore.

The upstairs windows both have screens now. I'll admit, the frames are a little small, though I'm not sure why the measurements worked out that way. So it's not total proof against insects that want to crawl in around the edges, but what is, right? They keep things from flying in, though, and that's the big thing.

I even put blinds in the downstairs bathroom. It's always a little comforting to know someone can't walk up to the front of the condo and look in at you while... yeah. ;)

My mental list of things to do is getting notably shorter. The only 'large' project that comes to mind is ventilating/cleaning the attic, and I'm waiting for someone to get back to me for that.


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