
Showing posts from May, 2022

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters has too long a name. It's also a pretty good tactical squad combat game. It seems to capture the W40k atmosphere pretty well. That's something I appreciate in spite of issues with Games Workshop and knowing the game setting is ridiculously over the top with no real good (though some real evil). You control a battle-worn Grey Knight team returning from a campaign that gets coopted by an Inquisitor to fight an emerging plant-plague spreading through a sector.  Your space marines are pretty tough and capable, though not immediately quite as bad ass as you might expect. They level up from 1 to 9, gaining more abilities and such that make them more effective and tougher as you go. Similarly, your ship is in rough shape to start, requiring a resource (and time) to repair before you can even start making improvements. So while W40k Space Marines are generally better than their opposition, the game puts you in a challenging position right o...

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was an entertaining watch. I don't think it'll be one of the more memorable MCU movies for me in the long run, but it wasn't bad by any means. I have a handful of thoughts that are neither serious positives or negatives: - It is more reliant than most MCU movies on what-has-come-before. In this case, not just the first Doctor Strange movie or the Avengers movies, but also WandaVision . If you haven't seen that series, I imagine a lot less understanding and interest in a main motivator of the story. - Strange has a pretty good foil in the story who is rather blatant about being such, but lacks the self-awareness to see the differences (naturally). - I liked the "go on red" bit even if it was a little direct. And the Illuminati appearances were pretty good as well. - I can understand what is meant by articles saying the movie sets up a possible Secret Wars arc, but such things are talking about the 2015 Secret Wars...