
Showing posts from May, 2004

(no subject)

60+ hour week? Check. Missing out on a movie? Check. Lack of sleep during the weekend? Check. Allergies easing up, but still making sleep less than sound? Check. Being left locally 'in charge' of troubleshooting upgrade issues for the day? Check. Constant stream of things to work on? Check. Heated interaction just shy of a shouting match with a coworker? Check. Yeah, it's been a heck of a day. One of a series, really. But I'm holding up fairly well, I guess. Could be better. Could be worse.

(no subject)

Bleh. On the up side, the day is actually progressing well. A lingering issue at work shows signs that it may have been fixed, and the little things that have come up thusfar proved to be solvable. On the down side, I'm still feeling pretty down today. Allergies are just enough to be uncomfortable. I'm bothered more about the generalities of my life than usual. My mindset just isn't allowing me to enjoy what will probably be an easy and relaxed day. So it goes. *shrug*